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Semester 1 Final

"Vase of Flowers" by Paul Cezanne

Reflection:I think that my piece came out pretty well. Though, If I could've done anything different I would give myself enough time to glaze the piece, include a larger variety of 3d flowers, and make the lines cleaner.

This image interested me because of the the flowers that you can see clearly. Almost all of the flowers in this painting are disfigured or even unable to see, but the few that are colorful and easy to see makes the painting interesting. For construction, I focused mainly on the things that stood out to me. I chose to put the yellow and white flower in the middle of the piece because it was the first thing that I noticed. I made a lot of flower petals because I noticed lots of those. Lastly, I made a rose and I used lots of circles to fill in spaces because I noticed abstract circles painted.


Paul Cezanne's backround: Cezanne starting going to college to study law to appease his father, but he knew that he had a calling for an artistic field instead. His father was persuaded and he was allowed to study painting in Paris.At first, he felt that his skills were not as good as the other people at the painting school, so he head went back to his original college. He decided to go back to Paris to try again and he found much more inspiration. Cezanne had developed his own style that was "Violent and Dark" and he started drawing more attention to himself.


Wedge, cutout circle for base.
Cutout smaller circle for middle of flower.
Cut petals for flower.
Score and slip center of flower to the base.
Score and slip the petals on.
Make a rose and score and slip on.
Attach more details for the background.
Use a needle tool to clean up the lines.


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